Last week, HOPAC secondary school was not in session. In fact, no teacher showed up to teach last week. No student sat in a classroom. No books were opened.
But lessons were still learned.
Each year, the secondary students spend a week on a short-term "service" trip. The secondary teachers are chaperons, team leaders and service planners. Some of the groups went to orphanages. Some went to Tanzanian prisons. One group even traveled to "the bush" to work with the Masai in Northern Tanzania.
I spent the week camped out at the school with 4 amazing students: Josh, Niko, Laura and Amy. (All of us from different continents... yes, I got teased about my "weird American accent.")
We were asked to lead swimming lessons for our support staff: local Tanzanians who serve the school as office staff, gardeners, cleaners and maintenance workers. All four of the students have been taking Lifeguard training classes at the school, so they were asked to lead these classes during the week. We also had a number of service projects to complete around the pool area. These students were so dedicated, they were waking up at 6:30 in the morning (because we were sleeping in primary school classrooms and primary was still in session!) and working until 6:30 in the evening. 12 hour days, exhausting labor (scrubbing algae and painting), HOT, HOT Tanzanian sun. They were champs!!

The View of Our Pool from the Basketball Court

The sketch of the mural... designed by the team and perfected by the art teacher.

For me, the best part of the whole week was the swimming lessons. We got the chance to work closely with people we have very little interaction with on a daily basis. Now, we know their names, we say hi, we talk. Also, these are people who live in a coastal community, surrounded by water. Most of them began the first lesson terrified of the water. Most of them ended the third lesson able to do 2 strokes: freestyle and elementary backstroke. (Nobody is going to the Olympics anytime soon, but they're probably not going to drown either!) All 4 students have also volunteered their break times to continue the lessons. What an example!!

Josh teaching freestyle.

Nike teaching floating on your back.

Laura said that she learned you could serve anywhere. "Everybody needs some help. You just have to find what God has given you that you can give to someone else."
T-Bear. I loved latest blog entries. I'm looking out the window on April 7 and watching it snow! Hard to imagine heat and sunburn. I love you and miss you.
Hi Kate!
I just read about your service learning week. What hard work, but it looked like fun too! It's hard to believe that people who live so near water can be terrified by it. But if you are never taught to swim, how can you be expected to know how to do it? I'm sure the people who received lessons were grateful! (that would have been my favorite part of the week too!)
I'm so glad Mom had us in the pool from an early age.
Love you! Bon
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