On August 27th, I had my first birthday in Africa. Thus began my last year of being in my 20's... and this was the first time in my life ever that I woke up and thought, "I wish it wasn't my birthday." I don't know if it's because my family was so far away, or if I feel like I'm getting old, but either way, I wished it wasn't my birthday.
The teacher's on the compound made it a much better day, though. They all wished me Happy Birthday before school, during school, after school. Then, they threw me a surprise dinner after school with balloons, streamers and LOTS of different types of ethnic foods: Pilau ya Cucu (a spicy chicken and rice African dish), guacamole (a staple at most of our meals) and Texas Sheet Cake (chocolate cake made with coffee). Then, two of the UK girls wrote me a Happy Birthday, Kate song where they found all he words that rhymed with Kate, then spent some time teaching me the correct pronounciation of my "English" words.

That weekend, most of us went to a nearby Beach where we read under umbrellas, played in the water, and walked along the sand. (Most of us got very crispy as well).
Our view of the Indian Ocean. (The island where I learned to snorkel is in the background.)
Helen (one of the new "English" English teachers) and I. We have lots of fun together because we have the same sense of humor, and we share a similar taste in music, movies, etc. (The American's like to accuse me of being a semi-traitor.)
That night, we went out for Ethopian food... authentic Ethopian food. No silverware, family-style, you-can-even-eat-the-plate Ethopian food. The servers sang me a song, made us al hold burning sticks and gave me a free tee-shirt.

One of my housemates and I. This is what the tables looked like...
where they set the BIG plates of food right in the middle of it. (The white stuff is a slightly fermented bread that you use as a "spoon.")

They all made it worth turning 29.
Happy belated birthday and stop having so much fun, this is school for goodness sake.
Uncle John
Happy Birthday to you!
great to catch up with you on your blog... i am terrible at the keeping in touch, but I am glad I can see what you have been up to when I do get on the net!
hope things are well and you are learning heaps!
take care
Happy B-day girl!! We haev a lot in common as my b-day is this week too- I won't mention the other weird thinsg we have in common ...:) but you know!! WHat a fun way to celebrate!!! YOu look fab!
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