It's so hard to believe that our Little Man is now, officially a year old! Our surprise baby, who has never allowed himself to be ignored, is cruising on the furniture, babbling to his Daddy and insisting on using a plate at the dinner table. (Seriously, if you don't give this kid a fork and spoon he will scream his head off!)
He loves reading...

all things music...
and wrestling with his big brother! (well, he tolerates it anyway. ;)

But most of all... he LOVES to cuddle!

His life has not been the easiest... he was conceived when his brother was still recovering from heart surgery, carried during Daddy's first year of seminary and born a month before finals. His first few months were filled with stress and turmoil as Mommy battled postpartum depression and Daddy prepped the house for showings.
He has bravely survived surgery...
and moving to a new house and state.
But this spunky little guy has always made himself known and has a heart for adventure! His favorite place is outside... he longingly stands by windows and doors. He will escape given the least little opportunity. And watch those stairs! This kid is fast, fast, FAST! Before he could even fully crawl, he had climbed the staircase, terrifying both his parents who thought they had a few more weeks before needing to put up the baby gate.
He is an introvert: he and Daddy both needed a nap after his birthday party, and he would rather spend the afternoon running his trucks than playing with his brother. (Much to his brother's dismay.) But once he has decided he loves you, you are his. He has a claim on your heart. (Just ask his Papa who has become B's special person. :)
He jumps up and down when Daddy comes home, he shouts and coos when his brother wakes up and toddles over to peer through the crib slats, and he goes full flap, wiggling every body part he has discovered when Mommy walks in the room.
He is our cheeky monkey and we love him dearly!
Happy 1st Birthday, Little Man!
(I'm sorry this post is two weeks late. I've apologized a lot your first year of life. Don't worry, we'll help pay for therapy in the future if you need it. ;)