Yes, I am still alive. No, I have not been abducted by 80's pod people as certain facebook comments may seem to suggest. (David Bowie in space!?!) Yes, I have been a negligent blogger. We've had network problems at the school, and our resident IT man has a habit of coming into the office, saying, "I know the problem. I will fix it in an hour." and then disappearing for three weeks. I have come to learn that "I know the problem. I will fix it in an hour," is African for, "I have no idea what's wrong and I'm too embarassed to tell you."
So, this is not a long newsy post, but it will show a bit of what I have been up to. Every Monday morning we have assembly (aka "chapel" to those of you who went to Christian schools in the states). Each week a different teacher gives the main message. I was the first new teacher scheduled to speak. After much freak out, a friend here suggested I play one of my favorite songs, and "Open your Eyes" by Snow Patrol has recently topped the list. So, I put together a windows movie with images and pictures that relate to the verse, Romans 1:20:
"For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse."
Then, I used images and ideas from Chemistry and other sciences to point out some of the evidences of himself that God has put all around us. (Side note: This is why I LOVE chemistry... because of how I see the love and creativity of God when I study an atom.) Then I challenged the students to open their eyes and "see" God in a world where we spend most of our time looking at everything else.
Here is the movie: (I think you will need Media Player to view this file.) (and by the way, those "fuzzy" pictures are the best guess, so far, as to what an electron looks like as it is moving around the nucleus of an atom.)